LMFT, Psychotherapist, Best Selling Author, Dynamic Speaker

Partners in Recovery

Partners in Recovery

How Mates, Lovers & other Prosurvivors Can Learn to Support & Cope with Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Being in a relationship with a man or woman who suffered sexual abuse as a child can be both difficult and rewarding. She or he may experience...
Families in Recovery

Families in Recovery

Healing the Damage of Childhood Sexual Abuse This sensitive and compassionate guide offers information and encouragement for siblings and parents of a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, teaching how family members can support a survivor while uniting in mutual...
Sensual Sex

Sensual Sex

Arousing Your Senses and Deepening the Passion in Your Relationship (Positively Sexual) Tenderness, sensuousness, and sexual passion all come together in sensual sex… Just what is “sensual sex”? And how is it different from the sexual thrills...
The Parenthood Decision

The Parenthood Decision

Discovering Whether You Are Ready and Willing to Become a Parent We are living in a time when baby showers are the most popular kind of party and when TV and movies abound with adorable babies and darling toddlers selling everything from soap to toilet paper. In this...
Women Circling the Earth

Women Circling the Earth

A Guide to Fostering Community, Healing and Empowerment Women will learn how to form grassroots community groups from this exciting new book–groups that work to engender social, spiritual, and political change. Original. 25,000 first printing. Buy on...